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Showing posts from 2010

What is Organic Farming ?

Organic farming is a production system of crops which avoids the use of synthetic and chemical inputs  like fertilizers, pesticides, growth regulators and livestock feed additives. Organic farming systems depend  mainly on crop rotation, crop residues, animal manures, legumes, green manures, off-farm organic  residues, mineral bearing rocks. natural pesticides and biological pest control to maintain soil productivity  and supply important nutrients like N, P, K. Indiscriminate use of chemical fertilizers for decades has  resulted in the decline of organic matter content of soils to less than one per cent. The use of pesticides  has led to pest resurgence and difficulty in controlling weeds. Indiscriminate use of artificial fertilizer and  pesticide has caused severe water  and environmental pollution. The residue of chemical is of serious  concern for the safety of food and sustainable production. Organic farming ensures the productio...

Role of IT in Agriculture

Role of IT in Agriculture In the context of agriculture, the potential of information technology (IT) can be assessed broadly under two heads : (a) as a tool for direct contribution to agricultural productivity and (b) as an indirect tool for empowering farmers to take informed and quality decisions which will have positive impact on the way agriculture and allied activities are conducted. Precision farming, popular in developed countries, extensively uses IT to make direct contribution to agricultural productivity. The techniques of remote sensing using satellite technologies,  geographical information systems, agronomy and soil sciences are used to increase the agricultural output. This approach is capital intensive and useful where large tracts of land are involved. Consequently it is more  suitable for farming taken up on corporate lines.  The indirect benefits of IT in empowering Indian farmer are significant and remains to be exploited. The Indian farmer urgently ...

IT and Indian Agriculture in the Future

IT and Indian Agriculture in the Future Technologically it is possible to develop suitable systems, as outlined in the previous sections, to cater to the information needs of Indian farmer. User friendly systems, particularly with content in local languages,  can generate interest in the farmers and others working at the grassroots. It is possible to create dedicated networks or harness the power of Internet to make these services are available to all parts of the country. The task of creating application packages and databases to cater to complete spectrum of Indian agriculture is a giant task. The Long Term Agriculture Policy provides an exhaustive list of all the areas that are to be covered. This can be taken as a guiding list to evolve design and develop suitable systems catering to each of the specified areas. Our country has the advantage of having a large number of specialised institutions in place catering to various aspects of Indian agriculture. These instit...

Impotence of Crop Rotation

Crop Rotation By : Ron Heiniger, Crop Science Extension Specialist, NC State University and Molly Hamilton, Extension Assistant, NC State University The importance of crop rotation in an organic production systems cannot be overemphasized. Select a rotation sequence of production crops and cover crops based on the specific characteristics of the field. This is particularly important in the first few years of an organic production system because the transition period will set the conditions for success. Rotation sequences should be designed to: reduce weed pressure by minimizing the amount of weed seed produced and reducing perennial weeds; increase the amount of mineralizable nitrogen in the soil; reduce the incidence of insect and disease pests by eliminating hosts and interrupting pest life cycles. This usually requires combinations or rotations of crops that attract or harbor different insects and diseases, fix nitrogen, inhibit weed growth, and enhance the soil. The fo...

Cultivation of Soybean

Soybean - Cultivation Soybeans are an important global crop, with political ramifications. It is grown for its oil and protein. The bulk of the crop is solvent extracted for vegetable oil and the defatted soy meal is used for animal feed. A very small proportion of the crop is consumed directly for food by humans. Soybeans and were used as food in eastern Asia long before written records, and it is still a major crop in China, Japan and Korea. They were first introduced to Europe in the early 1700s and the United States in 1765, where it was first grown for hay. Benjamin Franklin wrote a letter in 1770 mentioning sending soybeans home from England. Soybeans did not become an important crop outside of Asia until about 1910. Cultivation is successful in climates with hot summers, with optimum growing conditions in mean temperatures of 20 °C to 30 °C; temperatures of below 20 °C and over 40 °C retard growth significantly. They can grow in a wide range of soils, with optimum growth in...

What this blog is all about?

What this blog is all about? Why do I need to go through this blog? Ans: Food security is one of the biggest problems that many countries are facing now-a-days. The climate changes, urbanization, lack of agricultural land, decreasing fertility of soil and more importantly shortage of proper irrigation for crops. What could be the solution? And the answer is SEED . Yes my friend the seed could be the solution of all problems to a certain extend. HOW? If proper technological and scientific researches are put altogether on the development of seed industry then HYBRID SEEDS thus produced could bear the stress of climate changes, lack of irrigation and other shortcomings plus more nutritional content.              Hence SEED INDUSTRY holds a brighter scope in close future and you need start now if you really want to make serious growth in your career both economically and socially. What does it contains for me: #I am a student?...

India-rapeseed-oil, India-soyabean-oil

India-rapeseed-oil India-soyabean-oil

What is Redrot of sugarcane ?

Know about Red rot of sugarcane hear is a PDF file just download and know abut that .... DOWNLOAD

What is terminator seed technology?

How the Terminator Technology works T he Terminator Technology is the main application of a broadly framed patent for the "control of plant gene expression". The Terminator is basically a genetically engineered suicide mechanism that can be triggered off by a specific outside stimulus. As a result the seeds of the next generation will self-destruct by self-poisoning. The preferred trigger is the antibiotic tetracycline applied to seeds. The main version of the Terminator consists of a set of three novel genes inserted into one plant [see Box 1]; another version divides two or three genes on to two plants, which are later to be cross-pollinated. The end-result is always a dead seed in the following generation. Terminator Technology is the Trojan Horse for the spread of genetically-engineered crops in the South. In the absence of "effective" patent regimes, companies can still market their wares and enforce constant returns for their investments. In the absence of...

Top 10 agricultural companies in india

Monsanto Company Monsanto Sector Seed Industry Products High-yield crop varieties and Hybrid crops Net Profit (2008-09) Rs. 7,354 lacs Rallis Company Rallis Sector Seed Industry Business Areas Agri business domestic, Institutional business, International business, contract services Net Profit (2008-09) Rs. 7,202 lacs (consolidated) H. J. Heinz Company H. J. Heinz Sector Food & Dairy Products Net Income (2008-09) $ 923,072 Advanta India Ltd Company Advanta India Ltd. Sector Seed Industry Business Areas Germplasm and intellectual properties. Sunflower, rice, corn, mustard, cotton, vegetables etc. Net Profit (Quarter ended on September 30, 2009) Rs. 203.10 lacs Phalada Agro Research Foundation Ltd. Company Phalada Agro Research Foundation Ltd. Sector Organic Agriculture Business Areas Nutritional management, soil conditioning, pest/disease management Poabs Organic Estates Company Poabs Organic Estates Sector Organic Farming Busines...

Cultivation of potato in Hindi

Contemporary technique of Potato cultivation. (आलू की खेती की उन्‍नत विधि) आलू भारत की सबसे महत्‍वपूर्ण फसल है। तमिलनाडु एवं केरल को छोडकर आलू सारे देश में उगाया जाता है। भारत में आलू की औसत उपज 152 क्विंटल प्रति हैक्‍टेयर है जो विश्‍व औसत से काफी कम है। अन्‍य फसलों की तरह आलू की अच्‍छी पैदावार के लिए उन्‍नत  किस्‍मों  के रोग रहित बीजो की उपलब्‍धता बहुत आवश्‍यक है। इसके अलावा उर्वरकों का उपयोग, सिंचाई की व्‍यवस्‍था, तथा रोग नियंत्रण के लिए दवा के प्रयोग का भी उपज पर गहरा प्रभाव पडता है। भूमि एवं जलवायू सम्‍बंधी आवश्‍यकताऐं : आलू की खेती के लिए जीवांश युक्‍त बलूई-दोमट मिट्टी ही अच्‍छी होती है। भूमि में जलनिकासी की अच्‍छी व्‍यवस्‍था होनी चाहिए । आलू के लिए क्षारीय तथा जल भराव अथवा खडे पानी वाली भूमि कभी ना चुने। बढवार के समय आलू को मध्‍यम शीत की आवश्‍यकता होती है। उन्‍नत किस्‍म का बीज : आलू की काश्‍त में सबसे महत्‍वपूर्ण बात यह है कि इसका बीज अच्‍छी श्रेणी का हो। अच्‍छे बीज विशेषकर रोगाणूमुक्‍त बीज का प्रयोग करके आलू की पैदावार बढाई जा सकती है। अच्‍छी उपज के लिए  जलव...

What is Seed Act 2010................

The outline of Seed act 2010 Need to be followed and acted upon under this Act. Thus, for Cotton sampling and referring to the notified lab for analysis, the provisions of Seeds Act 1966 and Seeds (Control) Order 1983 need to be followed as was done prior to the enactment of AP Cotton Seeds Act 2007.               The outline of the procedure including a step wise guidelines meant for application by Seed Inspectors in their day-to-day Quality Control work is as follows: Ø   Separate targets are stipulated for all crop seed lots and cotton seed lots. Ø   Targets are stipulated season wise for all the crops. Ø   C&DA, AP Code is allocated for all crop seeds in regular manner. Ø   The procedure laid down in Seeds Rules 1968 and Schedule B of Seeds (Control) Order 1983 should be followed meticulously in respect of drawal and dispatch of samples of all crop seed lots including cotton seeds. Ø   The sa...

what is seed ?

The seed is part of the plant who can grow with a new plant thats called seed. maximum people dont know what is seed. seed is also a leave every seed have a embryo who ate food. food is called in scientific language endosperm. The Indian farmers are know cereals are seed because of less of knowledge. There is also a problem of communication. but now we have nice communication. then we can change it.