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95th Pennsylvania Farm Show

Some things never change about The Pennsylvania Farm Show — livestock judging, farm machinery and plenty of good food for visitors. Some things always change — the commodity princesses, improvements to the complex and new events added to the already-full schedule.
This year’s show, which opens Saturday and runs through Jan. 15 at the state Farm Show Complex at Cameron and Maclay streets in Harrisburg, will feature 6,000 animals, 10,000 competitive exhibits, 290 commercial exhibitors and $540,000 in prizes. The agricultural extravaganza, Pennsylvania’s version of a state fair, has been called the largest indoor agricultural exposition in the country. Admission is free, but parking is $10.
Farm Show Chronicles  An ongoing visual narrative of the 2010 Pennsylvania Farm Show Watch video
In celebration of the milestone 95th year, here are 95 highlights to see, smell, eat, hear and savor.
1. Supreme Champion Swine, 8:15 a.m. in the Sale Arena. Don’t miss the selection of the state’s top hog.
2. Blue Ribbon Apple Pie Contest at 10 a.m. in the Main Exhibition Hall. Talk to the bakers, watch the judges and enjoy free samples when the judging is over.
3. Pennsylvania High School Rodeo Association Championship Rodeo, Large Arena, at 11:45 a.m. and at 5 p.m., with the opening ceremony at 10 a.m. From barrel racing to bull riding, these rodeos are packed with excitement.
4. Parade of Agriculture during opening ceremonies at 11:15 a.m. in the Large Arena. Representatives from each Farm Show department, along with state commodity representatives, people leading livestock and others carrying everything from quilts to canned goods, will parade through the Large Arena.
5. Chocolate baking contests in the Main Exhibition Hall, with the Hershey Cookie/Brownie/Bar contest at 12:30 p.m. and the Hershey Chocolate Cake Contest at 2:30 p.m.
6. Visit the poultry “Best of Show” awards at 3 p.m. in the East Hall and check out hundreds of colorful, clucking prize-winning birds.
7. The Cumberland County Drill Team will give a performance that is part athletic, part artistic and all fun at 4 p.m. in the Large Arena.
8. Visit the Junior Market Goat Show at 4 p.m. in the Sale Arena.
9. Fashion lovers can enjoy Farm Show Fashions with a Flair when 57 people compete at 5 p.m. in the Main Exhibition Hall.
10. View the butter sculpture in its new octagonal case, which provides a 360-degree view of the special attraction.
11. Got milk? Enjoy a vanilla or chocolate milk shake at the Pennsylvania Dairymen’s Association booth, where you’ll also find white and chocolate milk, ice cream sundaes, deep fried mozzarella cubes with marinara sauce and ice cream cones.
12. Agricadabra brings its magic to this year’s show. This high-energy, educational agricultural magic show will be offered daily for kids of all ages.
13. Feeling sheepish? Enjoy the junior market lamb show at 8 a.m. in the Sale Arena and the awarding of the Grand Champion Junior Market Lamb at 2 p.m. in the Equine Arena.
14. An apple a day makes you feel good. Visit the apple displays, where apple farmers will be giving out samples from Pink Ladys to Cameos.
15. Where’s the beef? The Junior Beef Breeding Cattle Show begins at 8 a.m. in the Equine Arena.
16. Let us pray. The Non-Denominational Worship Service will be held at 10 a.m. in the Pennsylvania Preferred Banquet Hall.
17. Dear Honey: Indulge your sweet tooth by purchasing honey, honey ice cream cones and honey waffles at the Pennsylvania Beekeepers Association.
18. Farm Show Got Talent, a variety showcase, will be held at 3 p.m. in the Banquet Hall.
19. The State Police Mounted Drill Team will perform at 11 a.m. in the Large Arena.
20. Horsepower never looked so good with the Draft Horse Hitched Competition, Six-Horse Hitch and other team classes from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Large Arena.
21. The state Angel Food Cake Contest will be at 1 p.m. in the Main Exhibition Hall. Stick around after the judging for free samples.
22. The always sweet Pineapple Upside Down Cake Contest will be held at 4 p.m. in the Main Exhibition Hall.
23. The awarding of the prestigious Grand Champion Market Steer will be at 5 p.m. in the Equine Arena.
24. Dog gone it! A Farm to Fun Dog Demonstration of herding dogs will be held at 6 p.m. in the Large Arena.

Tractor Square Dance-PA Farm Show Husband and wife combo Robert and Shelby Klingler, of Selinsgrove, with the Middlecreek Tractor Swingers, perform during the tractor square dance at the 94th Pennsylvania Farm Show January 15, 2010. CHRIS KNIGHT, The Patriot-News Tractor Square Dance-PA Farm Show gallery (6 photos)
  • Tractor Square Dance-PA Farm Show
  • Tractor Square Dance-PA Farm Show
  • Tractor Square Dance-PA Farm Show
  • Tractor Square Dance-PA Farm Show
  • Tractor Square Dance-PA Farm Show
25. More beef. Beef Cattle Judging starts at 8 a.m. in the Equine Arena and ends at 4:30 p.m. with the Supreme Champion Beef award. 26. Yum. If seeing all those steers made you hungry, visit the Pennsylvania Cattlemen’s Association for a rib eye steak platter, cheese steak sandwich, beef barbecue sandwich and more. Or, visit the Pennsylvania Livestock Association booth for roast beef sandwiches, steak sandwiches, beef sausage, beef meatball sandwiches plus pork barbecue sandwiches, lamb stew, ham and cheese sandwiches and beef and pork hot dogs.
27. Got a clue? Young visitors can become official “Farm Show Detectives” as they investigate Pennsylvania agriculture by finding the 21 learning stations around the complex that offer hands-on lessons and activities.
28. Lose yourself in the Family Living Department in the Main Exhibition Hall. Try your hand at quilting. Admire the creative clothing and textiles and everything from paintings to posters.

farm_show_quilts.jpgLincoln resident Kathie Hunnell points out details in displayed quilts at the 2010 Farm Show.
29. A stitch in time. Today is Farm Show Quilter’s Day. Linda McCuean from Beaver County, a National Quilter’s Association certified judge who won the $100,000 Quilting Challenge in 2006, will speak at 11 a.m. about quilt judging.
30. FFA Mid-Winter Convention will be held at 2 p.m. in the Large Arena.
31. Potatoes, anyone? The Pennsylvania Cooperative Potato Growers Inc. will sell buttery baked potatoes along with baked sweet potatoes, fresh cut French fries and potato doughnuts.
32. Pony Express. Miniature ponies will demonstrate their strength in a Mini Pony Pull from 6 to 8 p.m. in the Equine Arena.
33. Super squares. The state’s largest square dance takes place from 7 to 9 p.m. in the Large Arena.
34. Going green. Check out the Farm Show Complex’s recently completed, $3.6 million energy savings renovation project. The makeover includes more energy-efficient lighting fixtures, motors and heaters, water-saving devices, and solar systems that provide supplemental hot water and generate energy for the complex.
35. Nuts over nuts? Visit the edible nuts exhibit where nut varieties have names such as Thomas, Henry, Colby, Burton and Elmer Myers.
36. What’s cooking? The Pennsylvania Preferred Culinary Connection in the Main Exhibition Hall offers cooking demonstrations from Howard Helmer, “World’s Fastest Omelet Maker” and Ed Cotton and Tiffany Derry, “Top Chef” contestants.
37. Farm Show on television. For the 18th year, the Pennsylvania Cable Network will offer 140 hours of extensive coverage of the Farm Show. PCN will move its operations from the Camp Hill studios to the Farm Show for the week.
38. Scholarships. Pennsylvania Farm Show Scholarship Foundation officials will announce the Farm Show scholarship winners.
39. Goodbye, champions! Yesterday’s champions could become tomorrow’s dinner at the Sale of Champion junior market animals — steers, sheep, swine and goats — at 9:30 a.m. in the Sale Arena.
40. Pretty ponies. These small but mighty equines compete in the Championship Pony Pulling Contest at 9 a.m. in the Large Arena.
41. On the wine trail. The commercial wine competition at the Farm Show seems to get more popular each year. Contestants pay $22 per entry and can win gold, silver and bronze medals and bragging rights. In addition, several wineries have booths at the show where they offer samples and sell their products.
42. Arena Carriage Racing, in which participants compete against the clock, will be held at 1:30 p.m. in the Large Arena.
43. Try something fishy at the Food Court. Penn Ag Industries Association and its Aquaculture Council will be offering fish sandwiches, trout chowder and tortilla crusted tilapia.
44. The Championship Horse Pulling Contest, one of the best-attended events of the show, begins at 3 p.m. in the Large Arena.
45. Snap to it! The newest baking contest — gingersnap cookies — takes place at 4 p.m. in the Main Exhibition Hall. Free samples are offered after judging.
46. Back in the saddle. The Celebrity Draft Horse Team Driving competition begins at 6 p.m.
47. Pot holders and Place mats. These two little-known competitions feature humble but useful entries. The winners will be found in the Family Living Department.
48. Hay and straw. You might not get excited checking out a variety of alfalfa and clover grass, but the state’s livestock love it.
49. Pennsylvania Marketplace. Stop by to sample and purchase everything from Lebanon bologna to potato chips.
50. Oldies but goodies. Check out the antique tractors in the Equine Arena to see how far agriculture has come.
51. The latest models. Then, visit the Exposition Hall to inspect the newest farm equipment including tractors, cultivators and plows.
52. Flag racing, an exciting sport involving galloping horses and determined riders, will be held from 9 to 11 a.m. in the Large Arena.
53. Visit Penn Ag Industries Association’s Poultry Council booth for all things poultry: seasoned slow-roasted rotisserie-sliced chicken, chicken nuggets, chicken breast sandwiches, chicken cheesesteak, chicken Parmesan sandwich, turkey barbecue, deviled eggs, chicken chili and more.
54. A sweet sight. Pennsylvania State Beekeepers Association members will demonstration honey extraction at noon in the Main Exhibition Hall.
55. Woolly. The Youth Fleece-to-Shawl Contest starts at 10 a.m. in the Sale Arena.
56. For the second day, Arena Carriage Racing takes place in the Large Arena at 2 p.m.
57. Ready, set, shear! The annual Sheep-to-Shawl Contest starts at 3 p.m. when shearers quickly remove the fleece from sheep in the Sale Arena.
58. How smart is your legislator? Farm Show dairy exhibitors will partner with state legislators from 4 to 6 p.m. in the Large Arena for the Dairy Showmanship Contest.
59. Antique Tractor Pulls will be held from 5 to 9 p.m. in the Equine Arena.
60. Going, going, gone. Head to the Pennsylvania Auctioneers Association Bid Calling Contest at 5:30 p.m. in the Banquet Hall. You’ll hear a wide variety of auctioneer styles as they compete and customers buy.
61. Shawls, anyone? Keep warm with a shawl just made in the Sheep-to-Shawl Contest. They will be auctioned off at 6:30 p.m.
62. Attention, farmers! The U.S. Farm Report, a weekly, syndicated TV news program, will be taped live from the Expo Hall stage today.
63. Team Penning, a mounted competition involving horsemanship, skill and luck, will be held from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Equine Arena.
64. Kids for kids. The Junior Dairy Goat Showmanship Contest begins at 8 a.m. in the Northwest Building.
65. A real ringer. A horseshoe-pitching contest will be held from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Sale Arena.
66. Sharpen your cooking skills. Cooking demonstrations are scheduled at 1, 2 and 3 p.m. in the Main Exhibition Hall. A culinary school demonstration will follow at 4 p.m.
67. Speaking of food, visit the Mushroom Growers Cooperative for a grilled portabella sandwich, mushroom soup, mushroom salad, or, that Farm Show favorite, deep-fried breaded mushrooms.
68. One of the most special aspects of the Farm Show is the Special Kids Rodeo at 1 p.m. in the Large Arena. Children with disabilities can sit on a saddle, sit atop a horse, try roping and hang out with real rodeo stars.
69. Shaver’s Creek Environmental Center Exhibit of Petersburg uses animals such as hawks, snakes and turtles to teach visitors about the environment.
70. Horse power. Visitors will see that draft horses do more than work. The Draft Horse Pleasure Show will be held from 3 to 6 p.m. in the Equine Arena.
71. Goat, anyone? Junior Meat Breeding Goat judging will be held at 5 p.m. in the Northwest Building.
72. O Christmas tree! Just because you took your Christmas tree down doesn’t mean everyone did. Visit the Pennsylvania Christmas Tree Growers Association exhibit to get ideas for next Christmas.
73. Make a clean sweep. OK, it’s not the most popular Farm Show competition, but it is one of the most unusual. The Broom Contest gives contestants a chance to dress a broom with scarves, string, sunglasses and more to create “Pennsylvania’s Farm Finest.”
74. Bugs and rugs. If you like bugs, the entomology displays feature between 25 and 90 insects. If you like rugs, check out the braided, hooked, latched, woven and crocheted. Both displays are in the Family Living Department in the Main Exhibition Hall.
75. Here come the cows! Dairy Cattle Judging begins at 8 a.m. in the Equine Arena and continues through the day. The Supreme Champion of Dairy Breeds will be named at 2 p.m.
76. Dancing tractors. Don’t miss this hilarious demonstration in which men — some dressed as women — drive antique farm tractors in intricate patterns. Tractor Square Dancing will be held at 10 a.m. and noon in the Large Arena.
77. Exotic animals. Check out the buffalo, red deer, emus and more in the exotic livestock displays in the Northwest Hall.

94th Pennsylvania Farm ShowClaudia Hissong, of Greencastle, shows her Reserve Grand Champion Jr. Beef Steer, during the market sale at the 94th Pennsylvania Farm Show in Harrisburg Tuesday January 12, 2010.
78. Can you milk? State Agriculture Secretary Russell Redding, legislators and celebrities will compete in a Celebrity Cow Milking Contest at 2:30 p.m. in the Equine Arena.
79. For a sweet treat, head to the Sticky Bun Contest at 5 p.m. in the Main Exhibition Hall.
80. Eat your veggies. The Pennsylvania Vegetable Growers Association will be selling vegetable wraps, corn on the cob, vegetable soup, batter-dipped vegetables, blooming onions, strawberry slush drink, broccoli-cauliflower salad, chicken corn soup and even pumpkin pie and chocolate covered strawberries.
81. The Pennsylvania Maple Syrup Producers will demonstrate how they produce maple syrup at 5 p.m. in the Main Exhibition Hall.
82. “Make Mine Country Music” is a new event this year and will debut at 5:30 p.m. in the Large Arena.
83. Canned goodies. Visit the canned foods in the Family Living Display to see everything from chili sauce to sauerkraut.
84. This year, there’s one-stop shopping at state departments. Representatives of everything from the state Department of Health to the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency will be in the Maclay Street lobby.
85. You don’t have to wait for Easter for rabbits. You can see a wide variety of them at the Farm Show.
87. Sheep and boer goat judging finishes up starting at 8 a.m. today with sheep in the Sale Arena and goats in the Northwest Hall.
88. Speaking of judging, the Purebred Dairy Cattle Association Dairy Judging School will be held from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the Large Arena.
89. Farm Class Horse Pulling will be held at 10 a.m. in the Equine Arena.
90. Delicious to the core. The State Horticultural Association is selling fresh apples, apple cider, apple dumplings with ice cream, apple butter, cider floats, dried apple snacks, apple or peach sundae and caramel apple on a stick.
91. Cooking demonstrations will be held at noon and 1 p.m., followed by a Culinary School Demonstration at 2, all in the Main Exhibition Hall.
92. Interest seems to be mushrooming in Chester County’s most famous farm product. Visit the mushroom exhibits and see everything from button mushrooms to shiitakes, oyster and portabellas.
93. If you like cowboys, you’ll love the new “Cowboy Mounted Shooting,” a fast-paced event featuring cowboys on horseback shooting blank ammunition at balloon targets in the Equine Arena.
94. Don’t miss the vocational horticultural exhibit, a display of flowering and foliage house plants and fresh, dried and silk flower arrangements. Round bouquets, linear arrangements and soft flowers in subdued colors will soothe you during your Farm Show visit.
95. Finish up the show in the Food Court, where the Pennsylvania Maple Syrup Producers Council are selling maple yogurt, maple cotton candy, maple coated nuts, maple syrup, maple candy, maple cream sugar, maple sugar and maple sundaes


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