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Indian Seed industry.

Opportunities in Indian Seeds Industry 

Indian Seeds Industry

The Indian seed industry is the eighth largest in the world with an estimated value of INR 49 billion (USD 1.06 Billion) and with an annual growth rate of 12% to 13 %. The industry has shown a buoyant growth over the last two years on well supportive monsoons. The development of private seed industry is no more confined to just production and marketing of seed. It has well acquired technological strength to cater to the varietal needs of tomorrow. Along with industries Indian farmers have in recent years adopted intensive cultivation practices in order to meet the growing demand for agricultural produce. If we look at the production capacity 70% of India’s seeds’ sales come from farmer bred seeds, 26% from those bred in publicly financed institutions, and only 4% from researched hybrids. The domestic hybrid seeds market is placed at INR 4.9 Billion and is annually growing at 10% a year, against the 5% global growth rate. Here, majors players like Monsanto India and Syngenta India dominate the hybrid seed market. The home market works out to about 3.7% of the global market. As the organized Indian seed industry is just forty years old. Yet, its growth has been phenomenal. India is among the few countries where the seed sector is already reasonably advanced. Content: Chapter 1 : An overview of the Development of Indian Seed Industry 1.1 An overview of the development of world seed industry 1.2 The course of development of Indian Seed Industry 1.3 Main features of Indian Seed Industry 1.4 Main segment markets of Indian Seed Industry Chapter 2 Current scenario of Indian Seed Industry 2.1 Current developments in Indian Seed Industry 2.2 Factors affecting the development of Indian Seed Industry 2.3 Analysis of the degree of concentration of Indian Seed Industry Chapter 3 Main Market Segments of Indian Seed Industry 3.1 Indian seed market for paddy 3.2 Indian corn seed market 3.3 Indian vegetable seed market 3.4 Analysis of other seed markets in India Chapter 4 Seed Market Analysis of India 4.1 Cost analysis of Indian seed production 4.2 Analysis of factors impacting on market demands for the seed industry of India 4.3 Analysis of the circulation systems of Indian seed market Chapter 5 Future Trends of Indian Seed Industry 5.1 Impact on demands for seeds from rice, corn, etc. growing areas 5.2 The impact from genetic modification technology on seed industry 5.3 Main future trends of Indian Seed Industry
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Soybeans are an important global crop, providing oil and protein. In the United States, the bulk of the crop is solvent-extracted with hexane, and the "toasted" defatted soymeal (50% protein) then makes possible the raising of farm animals (e.g. chicken, hog, turkey) on an industrial scale never before seen in human history. A very small proportion of the crop is consumed directly by humans. Soybean products do, however, appear in a large variety of processed foods.
During World War II, soybeans became important in both North America and Europe chiefly as substitutes for other protein foods and as a source of edible oil. It was during World War II that the soybean was discovered as fertilizer by the United States Department of Agriculture. In the 1960-1 Dillion round of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), the United States secured tariff-free access for its soybeans to the European market. In the 1960s the United States exported over 90% of the world's soybeans. In 2005, top soybeans exporters are Brazil (39% of world soybean exports), United States (37%) and Argentina ( 16%), while top importers are China (41% of world soybean imports), European Union (22%), Japan (6%) and Mexico (6%).
Cultivation is successful in climates with hot summers, with optimum growing conditions in mean temperatures of 20 to 30 °C (68 to 86 °F); temperatures of below 20 °C and over 40 °C (68 °F, 104 °F) retard growth significantly. They can grow in a wide range of soils, with optimum growth in moist alluvial soils with a good organic content. Soybeans, like most legumes, perform nitrogen fixation by establishing a symbioticBradyrhizobium japonicum (syn. Rhizobium japonicum; Jordan 1982). However, for best results an inoculum of the correct strain of bacteria should be mixed with the soybean (or any legume) seed before planting. Modern crop cultivars generally reach a height of around 1 m (3.3 ft), and take 80–120 days from sowing to harvesting. relationship with the bacterium
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