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Vibha Seeds Group CMD Vidyasagar Parchuri was awarded with the "Outstanding AgBio Leadership Award 2011"
 Vibha Seeds Group is pleased to announce that its CMD, Vidyasagar Parchuri, has been awarded with the "Outstanding AgBio Leadership Award” at AgBio Global Summit, 2011 at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (TNAU), Coimbatore. This recognition comes for his outstanding commitment and leadership vision in promoting Research & Innovation and Development of quality hybrid seeds and crop genetics programs for the benefit of farmers and to uphold our national pride in food security and agriculture education and the welfare of the Indian farming community at large. The award has conferred by Maryland India Business Round Table Inc. (MIBRT), USA.
Vidyasagar Parchuri, the Chairman and Managing Director of Vibha Seeds Group is a shining example of entrepreneur in seed industry who has demonstrated that how dedication, attention to details and sheer hard work can transform lives for many, especially the needy rural populace. The meteoric rise of his group of companies in the very competitive Indian Seed Industry is due to his vision and multi-pronged strategy. He attributes his success to key factors such as exploiting novel germplasm, application of emerging technologies, quality seed production and seed conditioning and timely supply of seeds along with required training to the farmers. He takes great pride in his own passion for the farmer-centric approach and focused commitment to research and business to bring in and deploy best technologies and business practices with the sole purpose of modernizing ailing Indian agriculture.
With his close interactions with farmers, Vidyasagar realized that the most Indian farmers desire to access seeds of different crops through a single window. Therefore, he further established sister companies to deal with cash and vegetable crops: Nusun Genetic Res. Ltd (NUSUN) specializing in cotton and sunflower, Seed Innovations Pvt. Ltd (SINNOVA)for vegetables, Centromere Biosolutions Pvt Ltd ( CENBIOS) to harness the biotechnology tools for quantum jumps in crop improvement, DIVINEfor flori- and horti-culture crops and Vidyasagar Foundation (VIFOU), established for the purpose of promoting agricultural research and educating young talents to give hands-on training and to orient them on the requirement of farmers and consumers.
In November 2008, Vibha commissioned a unique multi-crop processing plant covering 12 million sft. With a range of processing facilities which includes ultra modern cob drier, cotton delinting, and cold storage, Vibha can now roll out 100 trucks of processed seeds per day for its 20 million happy farmers, covering more than 200 products in 12 field crops and 20 vegetables across 20 Indian Sates.
One of Vidyasagar’s greatest contributions is creating badly needed employment in rural hinterlands. His companies have generated employment on a large scale, directly and indirectly, to more than 25,000 people across India. The Company has commissioned 100,000 acres for seed production by a highly specialized and competent group of 60,000 seed growers. 
Mr. RD Shroff, Chairman and Managing Director of India’s largest agrochemical company, United Phosphorus Limited, has established the global empire, present in over eighty six countries with around twenty two subsidiaries and twenty one manufacturing bases, present in all seven continents. Besides building business empire, Sh. Shroff, has been actively involved in furthering the cause of farmers, agriculture and environment.

He has been successfully pursuing the agenda of creating pro-farmer policies and the industry engagement with farmers through extension services and farmers field schools.

His own company has been investing heavily in agricultural R&D and innovative extension programs. Besides, Rajju Bhai has actively pursued industry interests as Chairman of the India’s apex agrochemical industry association, Crop Care Federation of India, which represents an industry of over Rs. 9,000 crores.

He steered the CCFI into having meaningful engagements with the Central Government, various States and other stake-holders in agriculture system, including media, NGOs, farmers organizations, research and academic institutions etc. for overall development of agriculture sector. In an interview with Agriculture Today, he shares his thoughts on various industry issues, challenges to agriculture and way forward.


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